Tag: art

Artifacts such as a helicopter seat are displayed next to giant boards displaying Chi Po-lin's image and a short biography.

Chi Po-lin Museum

A BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF TAIWAN’S BEAUTY The Chi Po-lin Museum, located adjacent to Tamsui Old Street, offers a unique perspective on Taiwan’s beauty, while

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In Taichung’s Rainbow Village, a mural covers everything visible from the roof tiles of a building, to its walls and mailbox, to the cement road surface before it.

Taiwan’s Rainbow Village

HOW A MURAL-PAINTING GRANDPA SAVED HIS ABANDONED VILLAGE Taichung’s understated Rainbow Village is a colorful collection of beautiful and touching animal-centered murals that decorate a

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The National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) complex viewed from above.

Arts for the People

NATIONAL KAOHSIUNG CENTER FOR THE ARTS (WEIWUYING) Taiwan might be a small island, but it houses the world’s largest performing arts center, the National Kaohsiung

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