Fields of Jade
CYCLING THROUGH TAITUNG’S IDYLLIC RICE VALLEY The idyllic countryside of the East Rift Valley National Scenic Area, located between the fluvial plains of Hualien City and Taitung City, is filled
CYCLING THROUGH TAITUNG’S IDYLLIC RICE VALLEY The idyllic countryside of the East Rift Valley National Scenic Area, located between the fluvial plains of Hualien City and Taitung City, is filled
JIOUJHIHZE GEOTHERMAL SPRINGS Forest bathing refers to the health benefits gained from strolling through a forest. A bath in a hot spring relaxes sore muscles and improves circulation. Jioujhihze Hot
YILAN’S SANXING SCALLIONS Scallions (also referred to as spring onion) are a common ingredient in Asian cooking used to garnish and flavor dishes, such as scallion oil chicken or scallion
TAIWANESE KILN-ROASTED CHICKEN Weng-Yao Chicken, with its origins in Jiaoxi, is praised as the tastiest roast chicken restaurant in Taiwan. On weekends the restaurant sells over one thousand chickens while
THE EASTERN RAIL LINE Taking a journey by local train is a great way to travel slowly. This mindful and sustainable means of traveling emphasizes connecting with a destination, the
CHISHANG & COUNTRY ROAD 197 The small village of Chishang, which sits at the border of Taitung and Hualien counties, and has only 8,000 residents but is the East Longitudinal